
Tetraethyl Thiuram Monosulphide (Monosulfiram IP)

Monosulfiram I.P. is used as an   Anti-scabies drug and is formulated as a   25% Solution and is the main ingredient in anti-scabies Medicated Soap. An ectoparasiticide, Mono Sulfiram is the main ingredient in internationally acclaimed anti-scabies soaps such as Tetmosol. Liquid at room temperature at 32◦C;   Solid below 32◦C.

It is usually sold as a solution or medicated soap, sometimes in combination with benzyl benzoate.

Monosulfiram is a drug available in British Pharmacopeia in 1993 edition. This drug formulated as a medicated soap (5%w/w) and as a solution (25%W/V) in the prophylaxis and treatment of scabies both for human and veterinary use. The drug (API) is manufactured at East Coast Organics compliant to GMP requirements for Active Pharmaceutical requirements.

 Chemical Structure Molecular Formula

Physical Appearance

C2H5     S       S     C2H5
    ||       ||    
    N- C-     S- C- N    





A Yellow or Yellowish brown solid

98.0 to 101.0 % (w/w) on dried basis

Molecular Weight CAS No. Packing
264.47 95-05-6 25/50/100kg HDPE carboys

The material is photosentive and hence shall be protected from Sunlight and stored in cool place.